







領導寄語Leadership Message




  依托集團優勢,公司全面深入地參與到省內各地州的基礎設施建設、新型城鎮化建設、產業園區建設、公共服務建設、民生工程建設、易地扶貧搬遷以及城市發展建設中,圍繞“做大做強做優,實現高質量發展”的戰略目標。我們搶抓時代發展機遇,弘揚“敢打硬仗 善打惡仗 能打勝仗”的高原鐵軍精神,鑄就“聞風而動、眾志成城、堅韌不拔、敢于勝利”的狼性精神,發揚“獻身使命、執著堅韌、精益求精、追求卓越”的工匠精神,將“四保一控一樹”的要求融入項目建設。通過持續提升公司管控水平,嚴把項目建設安全質量關,本著為業主提供更優質的服務,為社會奉獻更多精品工程的理念,為云南經濟社會發展貢獻十建力量。


  As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self perfection. YCIH No.10 Construction Co., Ltd., after more than 50 years of accumulation, seizing the golden development opportunities in the new era to move to and register in Zhaotong City. Under the strong leadership of the party committee of the YCIH and the care and support of the local government, our company will promote to a higher position based on Zhaotong, facing the whole province and radiating Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou.

  Relying on the advantages of Yunnan Construction and Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (YCIH), our company is fully and deeply involved in the construction of infrastructure, new-type urbanization, industrial parks, public services, livelihood projects, aid-the-poor relocation, as well as urban development all over Yunnan Province. Centering on the strategic goal of “becoming bigger, stronger and better to achieve high-quality development”, we will seize the opportunities for the development of the era to promote the plateau iron-army spirit of “facing tough and hard fights and winning”; we will form the wolf spirit of “swift action, unity, perseverance and the pursuit of victory”; we will carry forward the craftsman spirit of “dedication to the mission, persistence, continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence”; and we will also integrate the requirements of “four guarantees, one control and one establishment” into the projects construction. By continuously improving the management and control level of the company, strictly controlling the safety and quality of the projects construction, and in line with the concept of providing better services for owners, we will contribute more to the concepts of building high-quality projects to the society, so as to make contributions to the economic and social development of Yunnan.

  In the future, all members of YCIH No.10 Construction Co., Ltd. will strive for the goal of “becoming bigger, stronger and better”, will make continuous efforts for YCIH to become a domestic first-class and world-renowned enterprise, and will write a brilliant chapter in the new era with new responsibilities and new achievements.